
Welcome to the community website for South Ridge HOA, located in Brandon, Florida. Residents and visitors may view neighborhood news articles, upcoming events, and a community survey to the right. The tabs above provide helpful information for homeowners to access community documents and forms, local links to necessary services (like utilities and school information), a community directory, a classifieds section, and more. Homeowners may register their contact info on the website to receive important email updates from the HOA board and a copy of our community newsletter. Visitors to our website may learn more about living in South Ridge HOA, where we're located, and view our community photo album. 
To pay your dues, submit alteration applications, submit an Enforcement Request Form, change your mailing address, and more, please register to access your account at https://mcneilmsi.com/
Upcoming Events
Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 24th, 6:30 PM at Bloomingdale Library
The next HOA Board meeting is scheduled for June 24th at 6:30 PM. All homeowners are welcome to attend. (Meeting date and location subject to change with notice.)
Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 12th, 6:30 PM at Bloomingdale Library
The next HOA Board meeting is scheduled for August 12th at 6:30 PM. All homeowners are welcome to attend. (Meeting date and location subject to change with notice)
News Articles
Holiday Lights Contest WINNERS!
Posted on Dec 29th, 2024
Thank you to EVERYONE who shared their holiday spirit and participated in making our community look amazing! A special thank you to Kim and Gary who put up our entry decorations and lights, too! 
There were some votes that came in by email and some by our online voting. There was a tie for the 3rd winner and the board voted to break the tie. Our 2024 Holiday Lights Contest Winners and recipients of a $75 Lowe's gift card are: 
2612 Pegasus
1028 Summer Breeze
2701 Breakwater
Sidewalk Repair Partnership Program
Posted on May 22nd, 2024
Hillsborough County is offering a program to help homeowners with minor sidewalk repairs. Applications are open until June 30 or the funding is expended. All applications and photos must be submitted online. Homeowners can receive funding once every three years. To be eligible for repairs, the raised sidewalk must be a trip hazard with more than ¼” between panels, inclines of more than 3”, or sunken areas with active pooling of water of more than ½”.
Click the link to see all the criteria and to submit your application online.
Pick up the POO
Posted on May 16th, 2024
Your dog - you're on poo-patrol. Carry a bag to properly pick up and throw away all dog poo immediately. It's unsanitary to leave it in other people's yards. Note: dog poo is NOT lawn fertilizer! You're not doing your neighbor any favors by leaving it behind. And they don't appreciate running over it with their lawnmower and have it scattered everywhere. 
Street Parking Reminder
Posted on May 16th, 2024
When you must park on the street, please be mindful and considerate of neighbors: 
  • Don't park across from another parked vehicle so that there's less that 12' of space on the street for passing vehicles. Emergency vehicles and garbage trucks should be able to pass easily. 
  • Don't block mailboxes. 
  • Don't park across from a driveway - it makes entry and exit difficult for the neighbors. 
  • Don't park close to stop signs. 
  • Don't park facing traffic on the wrong side of the street. You must park with the flow of traffic. 
  • Whenever possible, don't park across the sidewalk area of your driveway. Pedestrians and children are safest on the sidewalk, not the street. 
  • Don't park on the grass. 
NEW Homeowner Portal
Posted on Mar 1st, 2023
Our management company, McNeil Management, has a new Homeowner Portal for all owners to access on their website. To pay your dues, submit alteration applications, submit an Enforcement Request Form, change your mailing address, and more, please register to access your account at https://mcneilmsi.com/
Helpful Links for Community Issues
Posted on Sep 1st, 2022
Hillsborough County and HCSO have resources to help residents deal with issues that are not covered by your HOA and property management team. Some examples include civil nuisances (such as noise or inadequate pet maintenance), criminal matters, trespassing, traffic matters, parking of vehicles on county-owned roads, etc., which must be addressed with the appropriate county agencies. Click here to learn more about these helpful resources. 
Hurricane Tips/Prep
Please login to view this area.

Every home has a view of a lake or conservation green space, offering tranquility and a view of nature that's relaxing and beautiful.

Kim R., homeowner

Local Links

Residents can report street light outages, check holidays when trash won't be collected, find their child's school, and more with this list of helpful website links and phone numbers.

More Info


Our HOA newsletter provides timely, helpful articles about our community. The newsletter is posted the first week of even numbered months with current news, landscape tips, security articles, upcoming events, home improvement ideas, and much more.

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Documents and Forms

HOA's have governing documents that all homeowners and residents are required to follow. Read through these documents to learn what improvements can be made to your property. You will also find needed forms for making changes, selecting paint colors, and more..

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Homeowners can register their email info on the website to receive important information from the board by email. Click Register at the top of the page.

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For registered homeowner use ONLY. If you would like to list an item for sale or free for other South Ridge residents, submit your item(s), price, photo, and contact info for posting.

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Do you have a great outdoor photo you'd love to share in our community photo album? Landscape, wildlife, sunrise or sunset photos are welcome! Submit your photos for review and posting.

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Homeowner Volunteers

The South Ridge HOA Board has three volunteer homeowners who work with our property management company to keep South Ridge common areas and individual properties in good condition. All outdoor areas and structures must meet minimum community standards, which helps keep our property values high. Additionally, we ask homeowners to volunteer their time and talents when needed for such things as our Neighborhood Watch program, our Architectural Committee, our Holiday Decorations Committee for our entrance, our semi-annual community garage sales, and more. If you have an idea for South Ridge residents, please plan to attend a quarterly board meeting or contact a board member or McNeil Management with your information.

South Ridge Is Home

South Ridge HOA offers private common areas with small ponds and conservation land. Homeowners and their guests enjoy peaceful outdoor views with a variety of wildlife including sandhill cranes, hawks, turtles, ducks, and even an occasional fox or coyote. We have sidewalks throughout the community for walking with your family or pet. There's one entrance in and out of the community, so we have no through-traffic on our neighborhood streets. Our central location in the heart of Brandon puts us within easy driving distance to shopping, dining, schools, medical offices, and major transportation routes. South Ridge is a peaceful, quiet, nature-loving neighborhood with the benefit of location, location, location!

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Property Management

McNeil Management Services, Inc.
PO Box 6235
Brandon, FL 33508-6004 
Email: Management@mcneilmsi.com
Phone: 813-571-7100

Office Hours

  • Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm